Rayat Email Configuration for Android Devices

Congratulations, your account on Rayat 365 Cloud Services (R3CS) is activated

You may use (http://online.rayat.com) to access the web interface

Your Android device is ActiveSync client, or some times it called Exchange client. So when you setup your device try to find either name when creating new email account. If you can't find either name, please contact our support team.

To configure your client's email, please follow these steps:

1. Create new ActiveSync/Exchange, and type in your account in this format: user@rayat.com

2. Once prompted, make sure to enter the username again as mentioned in step 1

3. Enter the server name as outlook.office365.com

4. Enter rayat.com in domain field

5. Accept the remote control policy

On some cases your account may return authentication error. If you’re sure about your username and password, please re-enter your username in this format (rayat.com\user@rayat.com)

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2016-05-01 19:00:51
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